cephalic presentation

diet in third trimester

Third Trimester

Vitamin K will prevent blood clothing after delivery. Orange highlighted food items re rich in vitamin k.  you’ll need plenty of iron-rich foods as well to help your body make red blood cells for your growing baby. We have highlighted Iron rich foods as green. You also need extra energy during third trimester. We have highlighted energy dense foods blue.





Luke warm water with 3 almonds


1 glass Water

1 t spoon Chia seeds

1 glass Water


3 raisins

Luke warm water

1 glass Water

Chia seeds

Piece of coconut

3 Walnuts

1 glass water


Luke warm water with 3 almonds


1 vegetable omelet

2 whole whet toast

1 cup of tea


1 cup of cereal with added almonds and dates

any seasonal fruit


1 scrambled egg


1 cup of milk

1 cup Oats porridge with added dates

any seasonal fruit

1 cup sevai several vegetables

½ cup of butter milk


1 cup sago upama

1 any seasonal fruit


Methi stuffed partha

Chatni of your accord

1 glass fresh juice




any seasonal fruit


1 glass lemonade

½ cup steamed corn


1 glass milk shake


any seasonal fruit


1 glass fresh juice


1 cup yogurt with added fruits


any seasonal fruit




½ cup kidney bean curry

½  minced meat

One cup rice / Two chappati



1 cup of Pulao

½ cup of chick pea chaat

1 cup raita


48 gram of fish

1 cup of vegetables cooked

One cup rice / Two chappati



Brinjal and  chicken  curry

1 cup of salad


One cup rice / Two chappati


1  cup of mixed daal

1 cup of salad

One cup rice / Two chappati




1 cup of cooked alu spinach

½ cup of salad

One cup rice / Two chappati



½ cup Saag

½ cup yogurt

One cup rice / Two chappati



I cup of corn


bowl of mixed fruits


1 glass Lasi with mixed nuts 1 glass Milk shake 1 sandwich 1 cup Almond milk  With rusk Dessert/custard



1 cup chicken karahi

1 cup of salad

One cup rice / Two chappati



½ cup Bottle gourd palya

1 cup Chicken curry

One cup rice / Two chappati



½ cup of chick pea curry with capsicum

One cup rice / Two chappati



½ cup Mung daal

½ cup cooked lauki sabzi

½ cup of salad

One cup rice / Two chappati



½ cup of mixed vegetable cooked

48 grams of chicken tandoori

One cup rice / Two chappati


1 cup of cooked lobia

Broccoli to your accord

One cup rice / Two chappati


1 cup  Fish with lots of vegetable

One cup rice / Two





1 cup milk


1  cup milk


1  cup milk


1  cup milk


1  cup milk


1  cup milk


1  cup milk


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