Finally, those exciting and joyous nine months with many highs and lows have come to an end, and now, you have your baby with you. Here, check out some of our postpartum recovery tips for this new phase of your life as a new mother.
The postpartum healing period is a crucial phase for new mothers as well as their infants, marking the transition from pregnancy to post-birth. During this time, new mothers may experience a range of physical, emotional, and psychological changes as they adapt to their new roles and responsibilities.
The postpartum healing phase following childbirth typically lasts six to seven weeks, though it can vary based on individual health conditions and delivery method (i.e, vaginal birth, or caesarean section). New mothers need to prioritize their well-being and seek support during this transformative time.
As a new parent, it is time for major adjustments and new beginnings, where you learn how to take care of and feed the newborn, while also prioritising your well-being and resting enough to fast-track your recovery.
Adjusting to everyday life after the birth of a baby has its own set of challenges, especially if you are a new mother. Although it is important to take care of your newborn, it is equally essential to give yourself time to relax and rest. It can be an overwhelming and stressful period for you, however, there are ways to manage it and overcome the struggles.
Taking care of a newborn is not an easy task and you might not be able to take out time for yourself. However, to recover fully you need to get plenty of rest. Sleep timely to cope with the tiredness; this will help heal your muscles and keep you calm.
Nutrition acts as a fuel for the body and aids in recovery after pregnancy. Consume enough calories, vitamins, and proteins, so that your body can prepare for the upcoming challenges. You can add green vegetables, grains, and fruits and start taking healthy drinks that keep you hydrated and refreshed.
Have enough water after delivery to prevent dehydration. It is very important to maintain the fluid level in your body as it aids in constipation and affects your milk.
Exercise after childbirth helps heal the body and mind. Do not push yourself to do rigorous workout sessions. Start by performing gentle exercises and walking around your house. You can also do modified postpartum yoga asanas to strengthen your muscles and keep your mind relaxed.
Make sure you go for regular medical check-ups to maintain your health. This helps you get guidance from the doctor and aids in your recovery.
Taking care of your mental health is as important as your physical health. Postpartum, new mothers can often feel overwhelmed and suffer from a roller coaster of emotions; therefore, acknowledge every feeling and ask for help if needed.
As a new parent, it takes time to understand the ways of interacting with the little one. A magical bond between a mother and her child starts when the baby is in the womb. But after birth, bonding with your baby becomes important for their mental and physical growth and for you as well. It is a natural process for new mothers where they connect and engage with the infant.
Your new member will feel attached to you if you consistently respond to them with love, warmth, and care. Effective bonding can only take place with your baby when you spend quality time with them through breastfeeding, eye contact, and understanding their needs through their gestures.
Bonding with your newborn is an important aspect of being a parent. This special connection can help lay the foundation for a healthy relationship between you and your baby.
Here are some tips with which you can build a healthy bond with your new family member.
Also called “kangaroo care,” this includes skin-to-skin contact between the baby and the mother right after the birth to give the newborn extra warmth. This will help you bond with your baby, provide comfort, and encourages breastfeeding.
Talking to a baby comes with lots of benefits. You can engage with your newborn by talking about your daily activities, and you can also tell them stories, which help them recognise your voice and, later, learn the language. Try communicating by gazing into their eyes to engage and make them listen to you.
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– What Are The Healthy Foods To Eat After Delivery?
3. Respond to their cries
Listening to them when they need is the best way to create a secure attachment with your baby. When you pay attention to your newborn’s cries, you can figure out the reasons behind their crying- whether they are hungry or is it time to change the diapers, or they just need your attention. Whenever your baby cries, you should pick them up and calm them.
Feeding your baby provides a great opportunity to bond with them. Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, feeding your baby will give you ample amount of time to engage with each other. At the time of feeding, you and your baby will have skin-to-skin contact, where your baby’s needs will be fulfilled, and with your voice and eye contact, the baby will feel pampered and loved.
The postpartum phase can be a challenging time for new mothers. However, it is also a precious opportunity to bond with your baby and lay the foundation for a strong mother-child relationship.
These tips can not only aid the postpartum recovery process but also help foster bonding with the baby. From self-care to seeking professional help when needed, postpartum recovery can be made easier with the right resources and mindset.