5 Reasons you may need a Caesarean section

While some C-sections are planned ahead of time, others are performed when the woman starts to labor naturally. Cesarean section is recommended for a variety of reasons by health care experts. Some cesareans are performed in life-threatening conditions, while others are performed to avoid life-threatening ones.

While there are still hazards associated with delivery, it is substantially safer now than it was in previous decades. Women and infants perished in childbirth only a few years ago owing to infection or protracted, dysfunctional labor. The following are some of the most prevalent reasons for scheduled and emergency C-sections.

What are the Reasons for the Cesarean section?

Reasons for an Emergency C-Section

Once labor has started, vaginal birth is typically the best option. Natural birth, on the other hand, can be hazardous to the health of both the mother and the infant. If complications occur during labor, your doctor may determine that an emergency C-section is preferable to vaginal birth. The following are the most common causes for an emergency Cesarean section once labor has begun.

  1. When labor does not progress as expected, the mother would be in danger of infection.
  2. Cephalopelvic disproportion occurs when your baby’s head is too large to pass through your pelvis.
  3. The physicians discover a problem with the baby’s heartbeat, which causes him to be distressed.
  4. A prolapsed umbilical cord, which occurs when the chord slides down through the cervix ahead of the baby and becomes squeezed, has interrupted the infant’s oxygen supply.
  5. Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall, causing severe bleeding and problems for your baby.
  6. The scar from a prior C-section tear open (uterine rupture).

Reasons for a Scheduled Cesarean Section

C-sections aren’t always unexpected during childbirth. Because known circumstances or problems might make a vaginal birth extremely difficult, your doctor may arrange a C-section in advance.

The following are some of the most prevalent causes for a C-section.

  1. Your baby is in a breech position. A C-section is typically the safest option to birth if your baby is positioned feet or buttocks first (rather than head first) and your doctor can’t turn him around.
  2. You’ve already undergone a cesarean section. After a cesarean section, not all doctors and facilities perform vaginal deliveries.
  3. You have a Previa placenta. If your placenta is located at the bottom of your uterus (rather than the side or top), it may obstruct your baby’s departure or cause excessive bleeding during birth.
  4. The mother has a medical condition that might cause pregnancy problems.
  5. A sexually transmitted disease, such as active genital herpes or HIV, might be passed on to the infant during vaginal birth.
  6. A kid with a significant birth problem like hydrocephalus may have a better result if delivered via cesarean, depending on the circumstances.
  7. You’ve undergone uterine surgery before, which puts you at risk of rupturing your uterus during vaginal birth.
  8. You’ve found out you’re expecting twins or multiples. Though twins can be born vaginally, most are delivered through Cesarean section so that both babies can be properly watched. C-sections are always used to deliver triplets or bigger groups of multiples.

Final Thoughts

Cesarean deliveries are requested for a variety of reasons and life experiences. Previous birth trauma is a key factor in later fear of childbirth. As a result, Cesarean Section on Maternal Request should be viewed as an iatrogenic issue that may be improved and avoided both during and after delivery.

Some women made their requests because they were concerned about the possibility of an emergency Cesarean section, which may need a different counseling approach. Overall, such results should be carefully addressed in terms of preventive and therapeutic.

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