In the very first year of life, your baby will grow and will develop at a great speed. For example, the baby’s weight will get doubled by the month 5 or 6th and triple by the first birthday. And your baby is also constantly learning. The major achievements are developmental milestones, including rolling over, sitting up and standing, or even walking. Baby development stages will keep improving and will be very visible to you.
But if you want to know how your baby will be improving every few months, then following is the baby development month by month, and you will learn how it is miraculous to experience such great change.
While you read all of these baby development stages month by month, know that no baby is the same. Your baby will develop at his or her very own pace. Many babies reach certain milestones at the same ages, but it is also not unusual for a healthy and normal baby to fall behind in a few areas or race ahead in the rest.
By the end of the first month, many newborn developments will go like:- make jerky, shaking arm movements
– Brings hands near face
– Keep hands in
– Move head from one side to the other while laying down on stomach
– Focus on objects that are 8 to 12 inches away
– Prefer human faces as compared to the other shapes
– prefer black and white or the high contrasting patterns
– Hear very well
– Identify some sounds also including parents voices
– Raise head and chest when lying on stomach
– Support the upper body with arms when they are lying on the stomach
– Stretch legs out and kick when they are laid on stomach or back
– Push down on legs when feet are placed over a firm surface
– Open and shut hands
– Bring hands to their mouth
– Gran and shake hand toys
– Follow all of the moving objects with eyes
– Watch faces closely
– Recognize familiar objects and people at a distance
– Start using hands and eyes all in coordination
– Begin to babble and also make imitated sounds
– Smile at the sound of parents voices
– Enjoy playing around with other people
– Might cry when playing stops
– Rollover both ways
– Sit up
– Reach for an object with the hand
– Transfer objects using one hand to another
– Support whole weight on legs when they are held upright
– Develop full-color vision and mature the distance vision
– Use their voice to express joy and displeasure
– Respond to their name
– Babble chains of consonants
– Explore objects using hands and mouth
Must Read: Essential newborn care tips and tricks
– Sit without assistance
– Get into a hands knees position
– Crawl
– Pull yourself up to stand
– Walk holding on to furniture and a few steps without any support
– Use a pincer grasp
– Try imitating words
– Use simple gestures such as shaking your head with no and also waving bye-bye