PREGNANCY is a special and unique phase in a woman’s life. It’s one among the joyful experiences. It is a condition in which women undergo distinct physiological changes and stress and is also accompanied by unique physical and psychological demands. For optimal pregnancy outcomes, the wellbeing and quality of life of the mother is critical.
Pregnant women experience plenty of emotions- excitement, fear and overwhelmed at the same time. You might be glowing with enthusiasm at one moment and scared with emotion the subsequent moment. Pregnancy can also come with many aches and pains. Furthermore, you need to manage the various physical, emotional, mental, and pain states that arise throughout the stages of pregnancy and labor. So, what can u do to have a more comfortable nine months of pregnancy? Exercise, especially YOGA.
YOGA is an ancient form of exercise. It has contributed to the holistic living of individuals in the most natural and trusted way since years. The word comes from the Sanskrit term “yug” which means “to unite” and More broadly, it means to work towards a unified experience of the self and improved health [1].
Because of this, Yoga is a mind-body practice that originated in India but is becoming increasingly recognized and used in developed nations. It is used as a health practice for a variety of immunological, neuromuscular, psychological, and pain conditions [2, 3].
According to Research Studies conducted in many parts of the world, Yoga is considered very safe and beneficial during pregnancy. It improves pregnancy, labor, and birth outcomes.
The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecology (AGCO) recommends that women
with low-risk pregnancies participate in
moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 min.
or more each day on most, if not all, days of
Furthermore, it is recommended by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (AGCO) that women with low-risk pregnancies should participate in moderate intensity physical activity like Yoga for 30 min or more each day on most days of the week [4]
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (AGCO) recommends that women with a low-risk pregnancy participate in moderate intensity physical activity for 30 min. or more each day on most, if not all, days of
Prenatal yoga exercise is designed to support the changes that happen in a pregnant woman. Furthermore, it focuses on poses to increase strength and flexibility for pregnant women. So, it also helps them to develop proper breathing practice and relaxation techniques for easier and more comfortable labour.
Practicing yoga along with walking can be an ideal way for moms-to-be to stay in shape. So, It tones up your muscles, improves your balance and circulation during pregnancy.
Asanas create more space in pelvis which eases the delivery of baby. Furthermore, Some poses can assist or speed up the process of labour by relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal and recovery after delivery as well.
As a result, on the basis of research studies, prenatal yoga lowers pregnancy complications chances, your pain and stress levels, and possibly even your risk of having a baby who is small for his/her gestational age.
In like manner, different asanas and breathing techniques impart invaluable coordinated relaxation and contraction of uterus. So, Yoga and Meditation can help the majority of women to have easy and safe labour.
Back pain is common during pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy as the bellies grow and center of gravity changes, backpain is very significant. Due to weak abdominal muscles, the lower back has to overwork causing pain and strain in the lumbar region. As well as, poses like Bitilasana- Marjaryasana (cat-cow stretch) strengthen abdominal muscles and aids in pain reduction.
Pranayama relieves nausea, headache and shortness of breath.
YOGA IN PREGNANCY is a chance for the moms-to-be to create a strong bond with the baby. It helps in better development of the baby and your body.
Deep breathing is an important aspect of the labor process and delivery. However, it helps keep the body relaxed and the mind away from the pain. Practicing the art of deep breathing gets more oxygen into the body and use the power of breath to remain calm and strong during labor.
While participating in a class, you get the opportunity to meet other expecting mothers whom you can share your concerns with.
As a result, Studies have found by that practicing prenatal yoga there is a reduction of hypertension-related complications and improvement of fetal outcome. Prenatal yoga practice also helps to control diabetes.[5]
As a result, YOGA IN PREGNANCY is a sequence of postures curated separately for each trimester, to help women prepare their body effectively for pregnancy and to cope with the physical and mental rigors of the 9-month term. Moreover, it is important you look for classes taught by a certified prenatal yoga instructor or Naturopathy Doctor, as they are familiar with the specific poses to avoid and which ones to focus. Prenatal yoga when done under the guidance of an expert teacher, helps you have a COMFORTABLE AND SAFE PREGNANCY, EASY DELIVERY AND A HEALTHY BABY.
4.ACOG committee opinion: exercise during pregnancy and postpartum period. Number 267, January 2002. American college of obstetrician and Gynecologist Int. J Gynecology and Obstetricians 2002; 77:79-81