Understanding pregnancy in trimesters and months
Diet in pregnancy
Bonding with baby before birth
Common problems(constipation, backache etc) and there solutions
Exercises to prepare for natural birth
Why does pain occur during labour
Comfort measures for labour
Various breathing techniques to be taught for pain relief
Various relaxation techniques used in labour
What is abnormal labour
When and why intervention can become necessary
Fetal and maternal monitoring during labour
Vaginal birth after caesarean section(VBAC)
Caesarean section
All about Postpartum period
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Please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can reschedule your class as per your convenient time.
CAPPA Certified Childbirth Educator
CAPPA Certified Childbirth EducatorAdvanced Certified Lactation Professional
CAPPA Certified Childbirth EducatorMaternal and Child Nutrition ExpertAdvanced Certified Lactation ProfessionalUNICEF Certified Infant and Young Child Feeding in emergency Expert